The Final Thread: Democracy’s Sacred Guardian
My love,
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about this idea of living a more intentional life.
And intentionality requires curation. I have been playing with this concept of creating a highly curated life – it’s something that I’ve been practicing lately and I really think there is something to it.
So here are three steps that I’ve taken to create a highly curated life…
Step one: Know exactly what you want.
I believe that the only way that we can heal our conditioning and tune into what our Soul truly desires, is through Ceremony. Our conditioning tricks women into only wanting what is good for other people instead of what we deeply desire. Through Ceremony, we can get in direct communication with our Soul, our highest self, and our deepest knowing to get really clear about what we want, and our vision for our life.
(If you’re wanting a place to regularly connect with your Soul through Ceremony, I just added New Moon Ceremonies to our Holy Woman Course & Community)
Step two: Identify the things on that list that you can do right now.
For example, if you want to go on a really fun vacation with some girlfriends, identify who those girlfriends are and where you want to go and book the hotel. Then invite everybody and tell them to book their tickets.
I know this is basic, but oftentimes we have this belief that everything we want is very out of reach which is not actually true… we just continue to waste our time doing things we don’t want to do because of our conditioning.
Step three: Identify anything on that list that is not yet in the realm of possibility, and start the process of manifesting it.
I shared exactly how I manifest things that I want, but can’t create easily right now, in our It’s Time Ceremony last week. During our Ceremony, I shared how I manifested a major home renovation that in reality should’ve taken us five years to do– but became a reality only one year after setting the intention. You can sign up for the replay of It’s Time if you’re looking for specific strategies on how to manifest the life you want to have.
My love, Life is art. If you want to create a highly curated life that is filled with beauty and magic, you can.
PS – I am currently running a presale on all of my 2024 offerings and I talk about it at the end of It’s Time. The sale runs through Tuesday 1/23, so if you know this is the year you’d like to work together, I would be so honored to support you in your Sacred growth.
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.