With a new baby in my (Sarah’s) life, I have become acutely aware of how messed up parts of the world are.
There are girls being sold into prostitution, children dying of hunger and people being tortured, even in our own country. And I want to invite you to consider… what are you doing about it?
We all care, of course we do, but to be honest, a lot of us are too drained, busy, sleep deprived, just struggling to get through the morning until our kids get on the bus, to do anything about it.
For so long I was malnourished. I was lacking love, meaning, fun, stillness, and I was desperately trying to stay alive by pushing, pushing, pushing, and eating whatever I could get my hands on.
Now, as a mother, I understand that taking care of me is the same thing as taking care of others.Tweet it.
Whether you struggle with never getting enough done, overeating, a passionless relationship, no relationship or lack of meaning and purpose, it all comes back to malnourishment. If we are depleted, we have no creative power and nothing to give.
At our Live Free Retreat in Sonoma this October 23rd-26th Nisha and I are going to awaken the mother within you, to have you experience what it really feels like to be filled up, to be nourished. The strategies we are going to be using aren’t “airy fairy”, but our best groundbreaking work that actually works, even if you feel like you have no time in the world and have completely lost hope.
Then we are going to create a detailed plan for how you are going to show up in your career, relationship and life as the new, nourished version of you going forward.
People have been asking me if I’ve been exhausted or wanting to hold back in my career to focus on the baby. Quite the opposite. What I’ve discovered is that the more focused I am on me, the more I have for you. My capacity to hold this group seems infinite, and I can’t wait to be with you during this special weekend. It’s also the only opportunity to work with me in 2014, which means I am putting my all into this weekend.
So what are you gestating, dreaming about or birthing? I need you to know the hard truth: it is not going to be born unless you know how to nourish yourself.
If you’ve been on the fence or back-and-forth about making this decision, now’s the time, sister. Next week, we’ll be announcing the deadline for enrollment, and we suspect that the rest of our spots will fill up fast. We know a lot of you have been waiting to see 😉 You can reserve your spot today by enrolling here: LIVE FREE
Nisha and I want to free you up to be of service in the world… to finally make the impact you know you can make.
It’s your move.
Sarah & Nisha
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.