
#WholeWomanChallenge Week 7: Simplify Your Life


Hi there!

This week, I want you to sloooow dooown and simplify. The more we try to pack into our lives,  the further we get from living the fullest expression of our authentic selves. What I’ve discovered is that you don’t need to make a drastic change to create the life you want – it really can be simple.

Photo Credit: Jenny Moloney

In my Whole Woman membership, we just had a Full Moon cycle focused on delegation, how we could make deep changes in our family dynamics, careers, and friendships (because so many of us are over-givers – are you?), but for this week’s challenge, I want you to focus on something simple… Cancel a lunch date you don’t want to have, ask your partner to watch the kids for 3 hours so you can take a long nap, block off an hour to cook dinner, or go to bed early.

Post a picture to Instagram with #WholeWomanChallenge showing how you’re going to slow down this week, so we can all get some inspiration. Feel free to share with us your favorite ways to spend some down time. I know slowing down is tough for ambitious, “can do” women like us, but I know you can do this!

With love,

P.S. Bringing all of me and my authentic desires into my life started with understanding the beliefs I bought into about who I was supposed to be, which I share in my free workshop, “The 4 Lies that Keep Women Overwhelmed, Plagued with Guilt, and Feeling Like They Aren’t Enough.” Click here to learn what’s holding us back and what we can do about it.


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