I hope your entry into 2014 has been smooth and that you’re being gentle with yourself after weeks and weeks of being around delicious, celebratory food.
So here’s what I want to know, have you made a resolution? Just bring it to the forefront of your mind for a second. Now, I want to know, does this resolution feel like a punishment? A punishment for overeating, being lazy, for having an unproductive year?
Maybe just a little? I find that this is so common with resolution making – we pick something we suck at, something we need to change, and mask the self-hatred with a “positive” resolution.
But here’s the truth: when resolutions are driven by punishment, they never stick. You see, there’s a part of your soul that knows you are already a whole, fabulous woman, and when you or anyone else is inflicting punishment on you, she’s going to do everything in her power to shut it down. Including convincing you that going to the gym is a really bad idea. However, she looooves it when you have an intention for more celebration, more love, more play.
So what if your resolution wasn’t focused on punishment but on play? What if the only resolution you had this year was to have more fun? Tweet it to inspire others to do the same.
For me, because my only resolution is to have more fun, I’ve been imagining a year of spending quality time with my baby when he arrives in February, going on romantic dates with Jonathan, taking voice lessons and art classes, going to dance class, taking long walks with my girlfriends, cooking beautiful meals, meeting new moms, going on long walks with the baby with no destination in mind, sleeping in on the weekends, going on weekend getaways as a family, playing with the new design of and having my friends and family visit from out of town.
What I know for sure is that when you live a life that’s guided by fun you also:
– Eat less because you no longer need food for entertainment
– Work out effortlessly because you’re having a blast doing it
– See your friends more
– Have a more romantic relationship
– Make more money
Sweet deal right? Of course you can go on a diet, get a new gym membership or dedicate yourself to having sex four nights a week, but haven’t we all tried that before with no lasting success?
I want to invite you to try something different this year, to just have fun.
In the comments below I simply want to know, ARE YOU IN!? And what does your year look like when you make fun your number one priority?
You have no idea how great a year this can be.
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.