
If you’re a mom, read this. Please? It’s my birthday!

Blog · Your Relationships

It’s my birthday today, and if you’ve known me for awhile, you know that I take my birthdays very seriously.  For me, it’s always a day of thinking about what I want to leave behind, and what I’m going to take with me into the next year.

Since becoming pregnant, I’ve obviously been thinking a lot about what kind of parent I want to be.  My number one priority is to raise children who love themselves and their bodies.

Every time I think of this I’m reminded of Brene Brown’s advice:

It’s not about asking – “Are you parenting the right way?” as it is, “Are you the adult that you want your child to grow up to be?”  Tweet it.

Here’s the deal, it is our job to save our daughters and sons from the torment that we feel with our bodies.  And you can’t save them by telling them what to eat, pretending you like how you look, or telling them how beautiful and special they are.

The only way to save them is for you to really, truly believe in your heart that you are beautiful and perfect.

Because we know, no one’s fooling anyone.

We’ve been having some incredibly moving conversations as part of our LMWL 28-Day Challenge which is ending tomorrow, and this one really got me in my gut:

Here’s my “tell your body you love her” pic. My oldest girl said recently that it hurts her when I talk down about my body because she only sees her beautiful mother. We must be aware of the effect these negative comments have on our daughters!! I love my body because it created, birthed and nurtured these beautiful creatures. I challenge myself to see me through their eyes.

So I need you to really ask yourself honestly, “are you being the adult you want your children to be?”

If you’re not, it’s time to do something about it.  Since it’s my birthday, I’ve decided to open up enrollment for Live More Weigh Less Mastery again to the Moms who want to end the cycle of body hatred in their family by healing their own relationship with food.

You’re worth it, your children are worth it.  You can learn all about the program and enroll here: LMWL Mastery.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!




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