free playlist

Sacred Playlist

hours of music to bring more magic into your home and life

It’s Free! If you want to feel…
Grounded — Alive — Connected to something larger, then Music is the best way to bring you back into your center

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“Sarah Jenks is a shining star in her industry. Her authenticity bleeds through every blog post, newsletter, coaching session and lecture. This woman walks her talk and is a power of example for us all.”

Gabrielle Bernstein

Author of “May Cause Miracles” and “Spirit Junkie”

“Sarah has truly cracked the code to having it all, through giving deeply to herself and the people in her world.”

“Most of us give until there’s nothing left. Sarah teaches us to give in a way that fuels our sense of freedom, fun and feeling fabulous!”

Kate Northrup

Author of "Money: A Love Story”

“Sarah is changing the way women think about their bodies. She is bright, savvy, caring and committed- your perfect champion for having a life and body you adore.”

Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo, Founder of B-School

“In a sea of weight loss articles, shiny magazines and empty promises, Sarah is a needed breath of fresh air.”

Regena Thomashauer

Regena Thomashauer (Mama Gena), author and founder of Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts

“I adore Sarah, and I have since the moment I met her. She embodies a spirit of intense dedication and generosity – a woman who is the epitome of a sexy wife, best friend and self-care maven.”

Nisha Moodly

Women's Leadership coach