free guide

Sacred Start

How to create a morning ritual that you’ll never snooze your alarm for (even if you hate getting up in the morning and have littles who won’t leave you alone!)

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This Free Guide is Perfect for you if…

  • You’ve always wanted to be the kind of person who wakes up early to do a morning ritual but you can never make it happen
  • You deeply desire to have time for yourself but your kids won’t leave you alone in the morning
  • You want your life to be more sacred, but don’t know where to start
  • You find meditation boring and goal setting stressful (Sacred Start is a very different thing than what most people talk about)
  • You feel guilty taking time for yourself

New in 2025

I have been sharing this Sacred Start guide for five years (woah!), so it’s no surprise that my sacred practices have evolved. It’s why we have given this guide a refresh, with a new ** menu of magic ** for you to work with to design the practice that is right for you (and yes, totally out of the box). We’re also highlighting new sacred altar items from mission-aligned, women-owned creators, and even more tips on how to make time and space for your sacred practice (even when you live in a one-bedroom with three growing kids like I have for the last two years).

The new Sacred Start is less journaling by candlelight and more … sex magic & turn-on, plant medicine, alter ego & shadow work, sensual dance, gratitude as spoken word, weight lifting & crying, alternate timeline vision casting, channeled scribing, connecting with aliens & ancestors, calling for signs, letting the major arcana weigh in on your major decisions, and deciphering the unseen language of the universe.

I can’t wait to dive in.

Sacred Start Includes

  • 7 juicy, feminine, magical activities that will have you bouncing out of bed, even if you’ve never been a morning person
  • Exactly how to keep your kids out of your room in the morning (yes, even when you have 3 small crazy humans like I do)
  • How to speak to your partner about supporting you in taking this time
  • Why you feel guilty for taking time for yourself and what to do about it
  • How to not have your phone derail you
  • Everything you (including links!) to make an altar and how to get over feeling weird about it.
  • Why most women sabotage their wake-up-early power, and what to do about it.

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Why I created this program…

I used to be the woman who hit snooze for 90 minutes until my kids were jumping on me in bed to get them breakfast.

I’d distract them with a toy or a show and then scroll through instagram for 15 minutes until I had to race around and find food for my now VERY hangry children.

And because my days had a chaotic start, my whole day felt ungrounded, rushed and frantic.

I always hated the tips about how to create a morning ritual that never covered HOW to make the time for it, what to do when your kids are busting down your door in the middle of your meditation or how to stop the pattern of scrolling in bed unconsciously until you realize that they time you allotted for your morning practice is half gone.

Now, I get up every morning at 5:30am (sometimes earlier!) to have an hour to myself before my kids come in.  This may seem extreme to you now, it did to me, but with some simple changes, I’m now the kind of woman who gets up early and have “trained” my kids to not need me until 6:30am, even through they get up at 6 or earlier most days.

I can’t wait to walk you through exactly how you can create this Sacred Start to your day.  One that is going to set the foundation to be healthier, happy and have all of your dreams come true (I’m not exaggerating).


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Any work that Sarah Jenks has done has always helped me connect back to my sacred self. Her words are affirmations to my higher self to remind me of who I am at my core. The Sacred Start Guide is a template for how I start each and every day. Finding someone who is unapologetic about who she is and what she needs is my permission slip (that I don't need as woman - but often crave) to be who I'm meant to be in this world.

Andrea Claassen

Sarah I LOVED your Sacred Start program! I was staying up late trying to fit in my adult/me time while being completely exhausted. Enter your Sacred Start program! It was just the sort of gentle nudge I needed in both suggestions and structure to motivate and gracefully guide me through making the change. Every morning I am greeted by flowers, candles, cards, and sacred objects. What a difference! Thank you for providing the perfect guide for a change I knew I needed. It was perfect! Much love!

Aimee Cartier

I sought out your Sacred Start guide because I knew my morning routine of lying in bed until the very last second and then rushing out the door was not sparking joy in my life. It was actually fueling my anxiety. Looking to change this, a sacred start seemed perfect. I started waking up earlier, putting on upbeat music, raising the shades in my bedroom, and moving my body happily in the morning sun. Creating this time feels sacred. It not only sets the tone to have a good day, but it also reminds me that I'm important. If I want to continue to serve our community, then I have to take care of myself too. Game changer!

Sarah G


I am not a morning person and I really struggled with the idea of a morning routine. What was suggested by others often felt too rigid, and the idea of getting up earlier to prioritize it (especially with the sleep deprivation of motherhood) was hard to get excited about. The Sacred Start guide helped me shift my beliefs and gave me new insight and approaches to craft a practice that deeply nourished my feminine side. I don't have to do the same thing each morning and instead I can feel into what I need to start the day in a way that feels beautiful and sacred to me. Creating this sacred time for me has enabled me to feel more centered, grounded, and lit up, as I ultimately weave more joy and ease through my day.

Elanor Christianson