We all diet for different reasons. But most of us believe that by changing the shape of our bodies, the shape of our lives will change as well. We think that by dieting, and forcing ourselves into a thinner body, all of these amazing things will start happening to us: we’ll get a new job, get rid of our anxiety, find a lover, feel care-free and happy all the time and of course have a better sex life.
But the reality is, dieting as a means to making our lives better is a dead-end. Creating a lifestyle of restriction, judgment and deprivation will not lead you to a life of pleasure and happiness.
There are a many effective paths to creating a happy life, but the best practice, and the most powerful tool for getting healthy and feeling great about your body is to have a passionate, mind-blowing sex life. It’s time to literally screw your diet!
As women, it’s natural to hold back in the bedroom when we don’t feel our best, but the reality is that the longer we stifle our sexuality, the longer it will take to feel like a sexy, confident woman.
Keep reading to see why the only way you’re going to feel like a total knock is if you stop calorie counting and start having more sex.
4 reasons why sex is more effective than dieting:
Increased Body confidence. While dieting is based on the idea that your body is unworthy of experiencing pleasure, sex is all about giving your body pleasure and showing your body that she is attractive. The more your body is touched and loved, the more confident you will become and the more you will love your body. Food becomes a way to feed, love and nourish your body, instead of a sole means of pleasure. As a result, you will naturally gravitate towards healthy foods such as greens, whole grains and fruits.
Read the full article over at the Beauty Bean.
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.