The Final Thread: Democracy’s Sacred Guardian
There’s something big happening here. My body is activated, like it’s going through an upgrade. I’m having intense dreams, extreme energy and very clear visions. My body oscillates between indigestion, anxiety, deep calm and heart racing.
When I shared about this on social media, I got SO MANY dm’s and comments about how this is happening to you too. Your body, your soul (same same) is trying to talk to you. Listen.
Here’s the deal: our magic, our connection to the sacred meaning of what’s happening, the invitation for humanity to step into a new way of being is so so SO important for us to listen to. Source / Spirit / God / Goddess / Mother Earth is trying to communicate. She has messages, and we need to listen.
Many strong and smart people are using their brains to come up with solutions. Thank you to those people. We need it.
We ALSO need the Witches, Shamans, Priestesses, Seers and Healers to use our magic to shed light on things our brains cannot.
You may not consider yourself a magical person, but we all are, some of us have just chosen to remember our birth rite, while others haven’t yet. And this may be the time your magic is awakening, do not ignore it.
If your body is reacting, if you know deep down that there is a greater lesson here, take time everyday to listen, and SHARE. Your knowing from your soul is just as important as from your head. Tell your friends, tell your co-workers, tell your family. Be a leader. Villages and communities relied heavily on the spiritual leaders for wisdom, a sense of grounding and answers. This role is re-emerging, and you are being asked to take your place.
Here’s what I’ve been hearing as I’ve been sitting in deep listening with Mother Earth and Spirit
Our conveniences are being stripped away so we see what we are missing. I’ve found myself wishing I had a garden and could identify all of the herbs in my yard, and am now learning their names as they come up. I am so grateful for our eggs and chickens right now and noticing how I wish I had a more sustainable source of food. There’s a pull back to the Earth. I don’t believe we need to live like we did in the 1800s, but we’ve lost the balance. How can we embrace technology and the conveniences of today without losing our relationship to the Earth?
When we aren’t busy rushing around, we can see where our relationships are flawed. Do we feel disconnected from our kids or have a fear of slowing down with them? (I do, I’m working on this one) Is the emotional distance you feel with your partner exacerbated by the proximity you now need to have if you’re both at home? If you’re looking at being alone for weeks, how is your relationship to yourself?
There is a collective turning toward the populations we’ve pushed aside: our Elders. With our Elders at risk, we can feel our love for them, the value and wisdom they hold and how much we love the Elders in our life and long to write down their stories. Call your Grandparents today. Ask them about their life, write it down, ask them for family recipes and make them. Don’t let the wisdom end with you.
We are seeing how big business only works when people are rushing around like chickens with their heads cut off, numb and blindly following directions that lead us to adrenal fatigue and exhaustion. We have to create another way.
When you get a chance, I highly encourage you to read the responses to my post on instagram here. The women in this community shared the most incredible wisdom and intuitions they’ve been experiencing, many felt it coming weeks ago.
I am stepping firmly into my role as a leader in my Whole Woman online community, doing weekly live gatherings and lots of holding and supporting. Enrollment is currently closed, but if you’d like to join us, just reply to this email and I’ll send you a special link and a discount code.
As life slows to a halt, what is the invitation for you?
What are you being called to examine in your life?
What isn’t working?
What is working?
What are the actions you are going to take to bring your life back into balance?
I love you, I am here for you. What are you struggling with the most? Please just respond to this email and tell me. I will make time to answer it on instagram or in a Moonday email.
Talk soon,
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.