Originally posted on Your Bella Life.
I truly believe that the most important piece of being healthy and losing weight is pleasure. Heart thumping, laugh out loud, crazy fun, deeply relaxing, wholly connecting, melting, oozing pleasure. As women, we are raised to put our needs last. To give our time, resources and energy to others, until we have nothing left. With most earthly pleasures stripped from our repertoire, the only delight that is acceptable to fill this pleasure void is food.
How many times do we really just need to take a break and revitalize ourselves and the first thing we think about is a pint of chocolate ice cream and a spoon?
Well, ladies it is time for a CHANGE!
We need to start doing things for ourselves if we expect to really serve others and, if we want to be healthy. When we start adding pleasure to our lives, we are no longer dependent on food as a source of self-love. And, we come to realize that a 10-minute back massage is a lot more effective at relaxing us than five chocolate chip cookies – not to mention it comes with out the guilt and the tummy ache.
For one week, try putting yourself first, instead of last. And, add some pleasure to your life!
Try the following:
1) Ten minute chair massage (only $10! That’s the same cost of a latte and cookie)
2) Manicure
3) Go for a walk – even just 5 minutes!
4) Instead of taking a “smoke break,” take a breathing break. Just walk outside, stand there and breathe!
5) Pick up a romantic novel and curl up on your couch with a blanket and a cup of tea
6) Turn off your phone and watch a few hours of really good TV, a favorite of Bella Life founder, Nitika Chopra,
7) Play with the animials at your local pet store
Meditate for ten minutes
9) Explore a new neighborhood
10) Call a friend you haven’t spoken to in months
11) Have your partner give you a foot massage
12) Take a bath and light candles
13) Stretch
14) Sing
15) Dance around your apartment
What else can you add? What can you do that will make you feel like the goddess that you are?
Adding pleasure to your life does not come without its challenges. You will feel some resistance, but push through. I promise it is worth it. When you add pleasure to your life, food will no longer hold so much importance and it will be easier to make healthy choices. Your life will be fun, fabulous and restorative. You will have renewed energy to be a better employee, a better friend, a better volunteer, a better mother, a better lover, a better you! So, get your pleasure on! It will be the most enjoyable health kick you have ever been on.
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.