“So is Jesus like a man Priestess?”
Happy Freya Day & Good Friday, and Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate!!
I’m beaming in on this Friday morning ahead of the holiday to talk about how to weave the Sacred Feminine into your Easter celebration – so if you’re looking to bring more meaning into this weekend, keep reading.
A friend recently asked me…
“How do you reconcile traditional religion and the beliefs you grew up holding with the Sacred Feminine and the work you do now?”
I am an Ordained Priestess in a Sacred Feminine lineage, I grew up Christian (and still consider myself a Christian), I am married to a Jewish man, and we’re weaving all of these traditions and stories together for our children. So this is a question that I get a lot, especially around religious holidays.
When you choose to live this way, especially when you’re as devoted as me and my partner are to raising spiritual kids, many people aren’t going to get it. They will see these ideas as opposing instead of complementary – and I totally understand why. That’s the story the patriarchy has been pushing for centuries – that there is one way to believe, one way to worship.
We choose to see it differently and believe that when you really look to the core of many traditional and non-traditional religions and belief systems, there is actually a beautiful weave. One that is made stronger and even more resonant when these seemingly different threads are woven together.
But from most traditional religions, including Christianity, there’s one critical thread that is missing…
Where are the stories of women in their full and authentic power? What happened to tales of their training, their devotion, their connection to creation and to the earth, their value, their contributions, their sacred practices, their divinity? Where do we see metaphors and symbols of women tapping into the unseen language of the universe? Why isn’t anyone sharing the truth of roles we’ve held, with deep admiration, mysticism, and respect?
These stories do exist. The women WERE there. But the oppressive patriarchy knew that if they took away the stories, if they removed all the archetypes of the Sacred Feminine — we would forget our power, our magic, and our Divinity.
These ancient practices, wisdom, and tools were deliberately stolen from us to keep us small and complacent — they did NOT fall out of fashion as so many people believe.
Because there is no bigger threat to the status quo and a patriarchal agenda than women in our full, authentic power.
I do not, for one second, entertain the idea that the primary roles of women throughout history were about serving men as pious, virgins & mothers or as evil (aka witchy) whores. And I certainly do not believe that dutifully fulfilling the role of the “good” wife and mother is our true and only purpose as women, nor do I believe it’s the path to heaven, ascension, or awakening.
There are new and more accurate translations of the Bible emerging, along with the lost gospel of Mary Magdalene, and there are a number of brilliant researchers, archaeologists, art history experts, and historians who are uncovering and retelling the lost stories of the Sacred Feminine across lineages. And SO much more is needed!
So when we think about what many of us are celebrating this weekend – whether we honor the Christian foundation of the holiday, or its Pagan roots, or we’re just dying Easter eggs with our kids because we’ve left the Church altogether or never resonated with religion in the first place – we can weave in the stories of women and the Sacred Feminine to bring more meaning to the season.
Here’s how I suggest approaching Easter and the story of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus as an Ordained Priestess in a Sacred Feminine lineage:
Look for where the Sacred Feminine actually did exist inside of the Easter story. Where were the women? Bring their stories in, and share them alongside the lessons and teachings from Jesus so that the metaphor is complete (sharing both the divine masculine and the divine feminine perspectives).
For example: Take a close look at the depictions of Jesus on the cross. Do you see the women at his feet, standing there with him? Many believe that the male disciples fled when Jesus was crucified, but the “Marys” (Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, and Mary Solome) stayed with him.
Did you know that “Mary” was a Priestess title, meaning “Womb Priestess” from the root word “Mer” meaning water (which represents the Womb)?
I believe these women to be some of the most powerful and devoted Priestesses in our history.
Bringing the stories of these women into the crucifixion allows us to honor the truth of the incredible role they played in bringing Christ consciousness to the planet. And reflecting on their bravery and devotion, on how they showed up for their Soul’s purpose, and on how they can stand as examples for you in your own life is an incredible way to bring the Sacred Feminine into your Easter celebration.
Reflection questions: How can you face the hardest things in your life? How can you go right up to the feet of something in you that is dying, something that is hard, and really face it? How can you be with the grief, and not run away?
Another example: When Jesus was taken off the cross and put in the tomb, he was anointed by Mary Magdalene, his mother, and the other female Disciples. There is strong evidence that these women (esp. Mary Magdalene) studied and mastered the ancient practices of anointing (and sacred sex) in the Temple of Isis & Dendara in Egypt. Many believe that it was the process of anointing that allowed Jesus’s spirit to be strong enough that he could walk the earth four days after he died. Considering this part of the Easter story invites us to reflect on the power of anointing, the power of the medicinal plants and herbs that women have used for healing (and yes, magic) for millennia, and the power of the devotional practices of Priestesses.
Reflection question: What are the practices that you have that help you connect with your Soul, with the magical parts of you, and that strengthen your spirit?
The stories we are told impact our psychology and how we see ourselves.
If you went to Church, can you imagine what it would have felt like to be told about the bravery of the women, and how they were main characters rather than dutiful assistants, influential leaders rather than loyal followers, and actually a whole half of one of our most important stories? Of ALL the stories?
If you celebrate Easter, my invitation to you is to lean IN to the story of Jesus, the crucifixion, and resurrection. But do not forget about the incredible role that the women played.
Happy Easter, my love. Let’s make it Sacred.
P.S. If you are interested in reconciling and weaving the Sacred Feminine with your own religious traditions (outside of Christianity), my invitation to you during this Spring holiday season is TO LOOK FOR THE WOMEN. Find their stories, connect with their energies in your morning prayer or in a Church or Temple service, and actively honor the critical role that they played, and the wisdom that they came here to share.
And if the women are nowhere to be found… it’s time to start asking more questions.
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.