– You care deeply about creating a good life for you and your family, but when you’re honest with yourself, most days you’re walking the line between totally bored and completely overwhelmed and so you’re just trying to make it through.
– You want to live a life full of depth and meaning, but the thing you look forward to the most is watching your favorite TV show and drinking a glass of wine at the end of day.
– You’ve worked so hard to get to where you are in your career but you don’t have the sense of purpose that you thought you were going to have at this point in your life – and you’re petrified to start over because you created a good foundation and put in so much freaking time!
– You try to be an intentional parent – those conscious moms on Instagram make it look so easy–but most days you just feel too exhausted to do anything meaningful with the kids, so you just give them an extra hour of screen time & rush through bedtime.
– You have a secret dream that you want to do with your life but you know your parents & friends won’t get it and they may not even accept who you are or believe in you and you just can’t imagine moving forward without their support.
– You’ve convinced yourself that your marriage is fine, but the truth is that you’re worried that if you told your husband what you actually want to and the life you actually want, he’ll get frustrated, shut down, or blow you off and not take you seriously.
– Deep down, you know you haven’t hit your potential and you’re capable of so much more, but you know it’s going to require some risk and you don’t want to rock the boat. Why fix something that isn’t broken?
– You wonder if your dreams are just too big and you’re actually delusional. Why does everybody else seem to be satisfied with their mediocre life? You think “Maybe I should just try gratitude practice instead…”
I hate to be an alarmist, but if you’ll allow me, I’d like to give you some tough love…
Women who know what they *really* want and go for it – are happier, have more fun, make money that supports their thriving lifestyle, have better relationships with their kids, feel free to do what they want when they want to (even when they have responsibilities) and have a hotter relationship with their partner.
If you continue to settle for what life is offering you, instead of going after what you really want, it is possible that you will…
– Miss all of the incredible opportunities that are meant for you
– Never make the amount of money that would give you an opportunity to have all of the experiences you want to have in this lifetime
– Model to your children that life is meant to be a drag instead of an incredible adventure (or worse: project all of your unlived dreams onto your children and put an immense amount of pressure on them to be who you want them to be instead of who they actually are)
– Never have the deep, meaningful, Soul-connected relationships that you’re craving
– Miss out on the experience of being in a lifelong loving, romantic, conscious relationship
– Never impact the lives of the people that you came here to change in this lifetime.
– Never feel the sense of incredible pride and accomplishment that comes with fully stepping into your purpose.
Allowing yourself to want more, knowing what more you want, and seeking your desires is the path to
Your average, regular day being filled with joy and magic
Feeling fully alive & physically beautiful in your body
Having a life that is stable and safe while also being filled with purpose & adventure.
Making all the money you need to have pay for the life you actually want – without overworking or feeling guilty
A deep soul-based relationship with your children and many meaningful dinners, bedtimes, and walks to the bus.
Real friendships with women who really get you
The hottest and most loving relationship with your spouse imaginable
And having a really great life on the outside and deep sense of satisfaction, and fulfillment on the inside.
Your frustration, your resentment, your dissatisfaction, your bitterness, your apathy, your auto pilot and your boredom – is NOT an invitation to want less and just be more grateful… it’s a sign that you need to want MORE for yourself.
Ceremony may feel new and fringe but is actually an ancient practice that’s been utilized for millennia. As an Ordained Priestess, I have led thousands of women through this very specific type of Ceremony work and I have yet to find another modality that can rival its transformational power.
That’s the problem babe. I promise that if you give me two hours of your time the first week in June, I will completely change the course of your life. Yes, I will send out the recording, but I am also giving special gifts to the people who come live!
Still Worried you don’t have time?
All you need to do is show up with an
open mind, a journal, and a candle (optional).
If you show up live, I have amazing presents and giveaways for you. If you listen to the
recording, you’ll miss out on some perks but you will still get all the information.
After the workshop, I will share how we can work together. Or you can take the tips and
processes I teach you and do them on your own.
One day I walked into my therapist’s office where the remnants of a sacred circle from the night before were strewn on the living room floor. I had a full body “Remembering” of being in ceremony. Since that day I have devoted my life to creating spaces for women to have their own remembering and normalizing the presence of the Sacred Feminine in our culture.
This led me to becoming a Priestess Apprentice in the 13 Moon Mystery School for over 10 years and then I was Ordained a Priestess in Summer of ‘22. My personal sacred practice weaves together the mysteries of Ancient Avalon, Earth-based practices of my Celtic and Germanic ancestry, the Feminine Path of Mary Magdalene, and the Ancient Egyptian practices of Anointing.
My genius is in creating a sacred container that allows you to talk directly to your Soul, your fully expressed self, the truest version of you — and then guide you to creating strategies, an environment, and structures in your life to give your self space.
I am an avid skinny dipper, travel often, love fancy restaurants, talk to trees, and am the CEO of a global spiritual coaching & lifestyle company. I am a walking oxymoron, a rule breaker, and live an out-of-the-box life in a very “in the box” part of the world. I believe that our lives get to be a masterpiece and you have the ability to create whatever you want.
A live online Ceremony & Workshop to create more
purpose, meaning, and joy