The Professional Priestess

Hosted by Sarah Jenks and Elayne Kalila Doughty

Friday, January 5, 1 PM EST

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If you feel called or curious about standing as a Priestess for your career and vocation,

We’d love to invite you to a unique opportunity to explore what is needed for you to fully step in.

Elayne Kalila is the primary educator of Priestess skills on the planet and is head of a Global Priestess University and School of the Sacred Arts.  She will be sharing the educational and initiatory path of standing as a Priestess in your work.

Sarah Jenks has built a successful company and temple as a Priestess and holds containers for initiates to cultivate courage, confidence, and strategic business acumen to create a meaningful vocation as a Priestess — making a difference in this world.


We will share our path to stepping all the way in embodying the work of the Priestess (and what that means) and share how you can do the same.

We hold that this line of work and the presence of Priestesses in every community and every business is what is needed on the planet right now.

We are reweaving the Sacred Feminine Arts back into our culture and we need every person who is called to this path to feel held, well-trained, and fired up about creating a force of love on this planet.

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Friday, January 5, 1 PM EST

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