The best accident I’ve had in my business is that all of my private clients end up being super driven, smart, successful women. Although these women seem to have their shit together on the outside, they’re secretly miserable in their bodies.
Through my work, I’ve discovered the common disease that keeps my driven clients stuck in a body they hate.
I call it: It’ll-be-better-when-itis
Symptoms include saying things like…
“When business school is over, that’s when I’ll have time to plan the wedding, I’m just too stressed now.”
“When I start my new job, I’ll have a lot less stress so eating healthy will be a breeze.”
“My husband and I are going on vacation in 2 months, that’s when I’ll be relaxed enough to work on our sex life.”
“My credit card debt should be gone in a year or so, that’s when I’ll have the money to spend on taking care of myself.”
To which I say…
“Looking back on your life, do you ever feel like you have enough time?”
“Have you ever felt relaxed enough to eat healthy?”
“Last time you went on vacation, did that fix your sex life?”
“Have you ever dedicated any money to taking care of yourself?”
To which they respond sheepishly…
Ah-HA! That’s what I suspected.
If you feel like your circumstances (hard job, graduate school, tight budget, wedding, new baby, over committed social schedule) are to blame for your feelings of overwhelm, then I want to ask you a question: have you ever had a period during your normal life that you’ve felt relaxed? Alive? Truly content?
If you can’t easily think of a time, you probably have It’ll-be-better-when-itis too.
And I’m guessing you also have a hard time making your beauty and body a priority because when you’re in survival mode, trying to just “make it” to the end of this life chapter, you don’t have the bandwidth to focus on yourself.
Here’s the prescription I give my clients who have It’ll-be-better-when-itis that I want you to follow this week:
So, you in? I hope you’ll tell us how you’re going to end your It’ll-Be-Better-When-itis in the comments below. Looking forward to chatting with you there.
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.