I created The Temple of Remembrance for the woman who longs to know her soul, the truth of who she is, and live from that place.
For the woman who is so tired of pretending to be someone she’s not but can’t figure out how to stop.
For the woman who fantasizes about moving to Bali for a year or even making the space for a weeklong retreat but it’s just not in alignment with her phase of life and she needs an easy way to be in sacred space for just a few hours from her living room.
For the woman who was socialized as a boy who craves a community that will accept her fully.
For the woman who feels like she doesn’t know enough to dive into a spiritual practice.
For the woman who feels like she doesn’t belong in spiritual communities because of what she looks like.
For the woman who has felt so alive in sacred spaces but the time lapsed in between is so long that she forgets who she is.
For the woman who is heartbroken by the state of the world but is choosing to be the sacred warrior instead of the victim.
For the woman who misses going to services with her family as a child but never quite felt seen or completely satiated by her religion.
For the person who is deeply devoted to cultivating their masculine in balance with their feminine and wants a place to explore the feminine mysteries.
For the woman who is always holding space for other people and needs a place to process her own becoming, and create a vision for her future.
For the woman who is tired.
For the woman who is stuck.
For the woman who is ready to start *really* living her life today.
I really created it for myself, and it’s a bonus to have all of you there.
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.