“So is Jesus like a man Priestess?”
In an outdated marriage – there’s an unspoken agreement that your “wild days” are over. No more being swept off your feet, no more goosebumps, no more spontaneous love affairs or that rush of a one-night stand.
Here’s the thing – I’m not even 40, and Jonathan and I have been together for 16 years. The idea that I would never experience those feelings of romantic abandon was not going to work for me (or Jonathan!)- and we are choosing to have a monogamous, lifelong partnership… so what to do!?
So we got intentional about what kind of relationship we really wanted, and had to think outside the box of the unspoken marriage rules.
There was a lot of work we both had to do to shift how we showed up for each other and what environment we were creating in our relationship – and we now have times when we can’t keep our hands off each other, go on hot romantic getaways and are so much more than co-parents, we’re lovers.
I don’t believe we have to choose between hot passionate escapades and the comfort and stability of being with one person forever. I’m here for both.
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.