The Final Thread: Democracy’s Sacred Guardian
Happy Moonday and Happy Beltane!
Beltane is the cross-quarter holiday between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice and marks that spring is in full swing!
Today is all about feminine nourishment — play, pleasure, fun, and sisterhood, and it is the perfect moment to ask yourself…
Am I hiding the sensual, magical, and wild part of me?
We’ve all been taught to keep this part of us hidden. There was a time that women were killed for letting this natural part of ourselves out (and it’s still happening today, even if it’s not happening to you), and we’re still being manipulated by this fear.
The work is to untie from that fear so we can access all parts of ourselves.
And this sensual, magical, wild part?
That’s our power.
Why do you think they tried to squash it?
Beltane is the PERFECT occasion to let it all out – your full self.
If this is resonating but you need more support to relight the spark, check out my free 7-Day Back To Me program. This simple program will help you feel safe to tap into this side of you.
Here’s how Back to Me works: You will receive one short email from me every day (for 7 days) that walks you through a simple action that takes 15 minutes or less but will completely shift how you feel about yourself.
These are the exact things I do when I’m stuck in a rut. They will take you from feeling dead inside to feeling truly ALIVE again. And it’s really so simple.
I know it feels like you can barely find time to shower, but if you give me 10-15 minutes a day for a week, you’re going to feel like a different person, just like Paula experienced:
“It’s never too late to feel completely alive and wild! The Back to Me program helped me to get there. Before the program, I felt so guilty and unworthy for even wanting to feel fully alive again! After the program, I decided once and for all, I was going to take charge of being my whole self with everyone. I’m a wild, rested, fun, playful person now!”
Happy Beltane, beloved! Get out there and do something that feels amazing today, and get back to YOU.
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.