A sacred brag on how great my marriage is right now
I meet a lot of women who are completely exhausted. They are so overwhelmed with work, the kids, and all the things that go into running a household (lunches, laundry, dry cleaning, errands, doctors appointments, school paperwork, birthday parties – ACK!) that they don’t have any space for themselves.
When I suggest they get some help, they tell me they can’t afford it.
Then I say, “I meant, from your partner.”
Blank stare.
“Well, I guess I could, but, I don’t know, it’s just easier for me to do it.”
And then I tell them, “Your life doesn’t seem that easy right now.”
Then they either try to get away, or we can dive into a deeper conversation around it.
Gloria Steinem said it best:
“Women are not going to be equal outside the home until men are equal in it.”
This is a topic Jonathan and I have been working on since we’ve had kids. Even when he was working 90 hours a week, he played a huge role at home. And now that we both work full-time jobs with normal hours, we’re finding a new pattern that works for us.
We in no way have it totally figured out, but there are a few things we’ve done that have prevented us from drowning in resentment, and we want to share them with you!
So, tomorrow on February 13th at 8:30 PM EST, Jonathan and I are going to be on Facebook Live to talk about how we’ve navigated having a 50/50 partnership when it comes to work, kids, and home. It’s changed so much over the years, and we’ve made a lot of mistakes. We’re excited to share our pitfalls (and some wins!) so you can create a partnership that frees you up to have more space for you.
We’re also going to be talking about:
– The never-ending dance of, “I’m doing more!” “No, I’M doing more!”
– How to enroll your partner in more without being a nag.
– The key to him or her WANTING to do more.
– How I got Jonathan to join me on the Spirituality and personal development train.
– How I got Jonathan to support me and believe in my work at the beginning of my business.
– How we are currently trying to bring more romance, connection, and time together into our relationship with 2 kids (this is a total work-in-progress).
Every Valentine’s Day, Jonathan and I set intentions for our relationship, and we thought this week would be a great time for you to do the same.
I hope you can join us! Just click here at 8:30 PM tomorrow night!
Can’t wait to jam on this with you!
Events at the Moon Lodge!
Yoga Every Wednesday from 9:30am-10:30am.
Get details here.
6-Week Yoga Series hosted by Melissa Holm: February 8, 15, March 1, 8, 15 & 22 from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
It’s not too late to join! For more information, e-mail [email protected]
Sensual Yoga Every Friday from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Get details here.
Ignite Your Intuition Workshop hosted by Chantelle Williamson on Saturday, March 24th, 1 – 3:30
Sign up here: https://squareup.com/store/intention-retreats
Detox Workshop with Functional Nutritionist + Yoga Teacher, Erin Holt on Saturday, April 24th, 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. Sign up here: http://www.erinholthealth.com/events/
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.