“So is Jesus like a man Priestess?”
The Moon is Full in Gemini today and shouting for our inner Maiden to come PLAY.
I spent the week before Thanksgiving at a gorgeous spa in the Berkshires on a writing retreat. It was a perfect combination of Bougie & Sacred. My perfect place.
I am a hustler at heart. I can push through any tough task with the best of them. And I have decided that this chapter in my life is about joy and ease and expansion.
So when it came time to begin the process of writing my book (!!!), I resisted it for a very long time and then panicked as this writing retreat got closer.
I couldn’t see how to produce this massive project without stress.
But I decided that the only way it was going to get done, was to make it fun.
I hired the most amazing woman (my friend, Council alumna, and all-around badass) to help me with the process of birthing the project. Before I arrived to begin our work, I texted her to let her know that I was tired and I was super worried that I was going to overdo it this week.
This is what she said,
“The deeper we go into rest, deep regulation, and pleasure the more we will tap into what really wants to come through. I got you.”
Deep breath.
I am a Gemini rising, which in shamanic astrology, means that Gemini is the mystery school I came to learn in this lifetime. It is actually the hardest archetype and lesson for me to learn — which means that I will become a master at it at some point.
What I love about Gemini is that it holds the energy of playfulness but also of writing – which always confused me.
Now I get it.
From fun and play springs creativity, knowledge, and the manifestation of wisdom into written form.
My number one priority for the next few months is writing this book, so I am here this Full Moon to learn the lessons of play.
So today, I want you to release what keeps you from playing.
What are the beliefs that tell you that play is a waste of time?
What are you spending too much time doing?
What is preventing you from creating enough space for fun?
And can you make a list of what play feels like for you?
It’s different for everybody.
Happy Full Moon, my love.
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.