“So is Jesus like a man Priestess?”
It’s been a wild ride for me the past few years. And for better or worse, you’ve been on it with me for the whole time or just recently.
And I’ve been feeling a little bad about something…
Almost 10 years ago (CAN YOU BELIEVE I’VE BEEN A SOLOPRENEUR FOR 10 YEARS IN SEPTEMBER??!! Yes, there will be a party, you’re invited, keep an eye out for the invite) I promised to write you every week, plus more when I was releasing a program. I bet over the years I’ve sent 100 emails a year, for the past 10 years (that’s about 3-4 books worth of content, oh my).
But this year, I’ve pulled back, and I’m sorry.
I want to be the person who shows up and gives you a little (or big) boost every week. I want to be the person who helps you think more deeply about your life. I want to be the person who adds a little magic to your week.
But this year, I just couldn’t. I needed to really learn how to be the mother I wanted to be with my last baby. I needed to reprogram my brain. I needed to create an even deeper relationship with the sacred feminine. I needed to let a lot of my business structure fall away in order to come into my own being.
I don’t think this is a hard and fast rule, that one needs to pull back on work in order to find a new normal within themselves, but it was true for me.
And sometimes we need to let other people down (or feel like we are, even though they get it) in order to not let ourselves down. Sometimes we need to drop the ball in order to grow.
Since January I’ve been really resting. I dramatically reduced my expenses and worked less than I have my entire life. It was a nice personal winter of stillness and rest mixed with some intense discomfort and personal initiations.
And guess what happened? I naturally, without trying, without pressure, felt my energy come back again. I literally feel my creativity BURSTING out of every cell in my body. Spring happened. And now I’m in full blown creation mode.
What’s interesting is that I’ve been hearing this same thing from so many women in my life… like the past 2-5 years have been so hard. It’s like we’ve been climbing up an endless ladder to the top of a water slide, and the past 6 months have been like a fast and furious slide of moving through layers and initiations and we’ve just been dumped out into a beautiful, serene pool and are like “whhhhhoooooaaa that was wild, and I feel AHMAZING.” Is this happening for you too? Or do you feel like you’re still climbing (or stuck on) that ladder?
I feel more excited about my work and to spend more time with YOU than I have in a long time.
I know that I will go through more periods of personal winter, we are all always moving through the creation cycle (growth, connection, releasing, resting) at our own pace, but for now, I’m cooking with gas and can’t wait to be here with you in your inbox most Mondays (and probably some Tuesdays if I can’t get my $hi+ together).
So thank you for letting me into your life as someone who hates checking email, I know how valuable your time is.
My intention is to start your week off with more juiciness, magic and thoughtfulness so you can be intentional with your week.
Sending you so much love and I’ll talk to you next week!
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.