WARNING: I’m about to talk about sex, if that makes you uncomfortable I suggest you read something a little more PG like this.
Do you ever hear yourself thinking…
You know how the longer you don’t work out, the less you want to go to the gym?
Well, I’m sure you’ve experienced that sex works the exact same way.
I’m not the kind of person who thinks you need to have sex all the time, but when that level of intimacy isn’t an integral part of my relationship, our connection can feel a little flat. I always find that when people make sex a priority, they’re in sync, better at communicating, and just feel more electric. Sex just makes life is just more exciting.
After a few weeks of our sex life taking a back to seat to my busy coaching schedule and Jonathan’s demanding workload at the hospital, I suggested we trade in our plans to go out, for a night of staying in.
Of course, as soon as I suggested we stay in, I panicked…
What if I didn’t want to have sex when it got to Saturday night? Did I just set myself up for unrealistic expectations? Having sex right now just seems like such an effort! Ugh, I hate feeling obligated.
Can you relate?
I realized that OF COURSE I was feeling this way because my body had forgotten how amazing it is to be caught in the throws of ecstasy.
I was faced with a conflict. On one hand I knew that bringing our sex life back to the forefront of our relationship was important. But on the other hand, the idea of having sex felt like a chore and obligation.
So I devised a plan, that I am sharing with you. This plan was created so that when YOU want to celebrate your relationship by making love with the man or woman in your life, you feel a fire of desire burning inside you.
Because when sex is fueled by an obligation or pressure to please your man, you are missing out on one of life’s amazing gifts and your relationship is going to feel the consequences.
Here’s my Ignite the Desire 12-hour plan:
Feeling sexy starts the moment you wake up
It takes a full day of priming, pleasure, and pure passion for life to fully embrace your sexuality. If you wait till the hour before it’s go time, you’re going to fizzle out.
If you follow these steps, I guarantee that every ounce of pressure and obligation will disappear, and you will be craving that beautiful intimacy with your partner.
Do you have any tips for Igniting your Desire you want to share with me and this community? Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear what you’ve got up your sleeve.
Want more? Sign up for my free, 7-day program Back To Me, simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed, and far gone you feel.
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.