“So is Jesus like a man Priestess?”
After a fast and furious few months, I started getting the message to slow down. Some people get aches and pain, I get signs from the Universe…
Turtles in my yard and in the lake, then turtle eggs hatching from the dirt, and a dead turtle in my driveway (slow down else I’ll die?). I pulled cards like the Hermit from the Tarot to go into the cave. “The Forest” about disappearing into the darkness. My kids became needier pulling me home. My garden became overrun with caterpillars (transformation anyone?).
Slow down. Be still. Listen deeply. Be a beginner.
I created a tiny bit of space by staying off the internet as I wrote you about last week, but ended up filling it with a ferocity of learning and planning, so I can weave this thread of racial justice more deeply into my life and my work.
I then I took 2 days off and thought, that should be enough!
Stillness and slowness can often be judged as apathy, laziness or escape. This is a patriarchal mindset that I am working through. Hence my need to explain my slowness here today. Someday I will just go off the grid and not feel the need to explain myself. #goals
Today I was pacing in the pine grove next to my Temple, the Moon Lodge, and asked for a sign to ease my anxiety and discomfort around my soul’s call to be still, because whoa, was I feeling pressure to speed up.
I look down and see the slug.
I got the message to stay slow, but I had an inner nudge that it went deeper.
I googled “slug medicine” and learned that not only are slugs slow, but their slime is being tested for the use of healing wounds after surgery. It’s stretchy and adhesive to slippery things. Also, non toxic.
This is the medicine I received from the slug: Slowing down heals wounds, both internally and between people. Stillness and deep listening reveal insights that can shift a community. It’s not always pretty, but it can pack a powerful punch.
And we can’t know how long it will take. All we can do is embrace our pace and know it is in deep service to healing ourselves and wounds of the world.
Take some time today to notice the signs and medicine around you. The universe is always trying to talk to you.
Speaking of the Universe! Just a heads up that we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn (the sign of hard work) this weekend. This is the third in a trinity of transformative eclipses this summer. These are intense times, but this weekend is a good opportunity to let things go, especially as it pertains to toxic patterns around working in an unbalanced way. More slug, less work horse, got it?
Make sure to check out your fave astrologer for more info.
Happy Full Moon Eclipse. May it bring clarity and healing.
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.