
This is what “thin” feels like

Blog · Emotional Eating · Live More Weigh Less · Your Body · Your Self

Most of the time the drive to be thin comes from the idea that we will feel a certain way when we “get there”. Like, when you’re thin, you’ll feel carefree and at ease.

But when we get home from a long day and our insides are wound tight, all we want is to feel carefree and at ease, so we eat to smooth down our ruffled feathers.

Can you see the issue here? We get caught in the cycle of struggle. The thing that gets us the feeling we most desire in the moment is the very thing that is at odds with our plan to lose weight so we can be in that state of carefree all time.  Read that line again because it’s important to get.

The big secret, and I hate to break it to you, is that neither “thin” nor food will deliver your desires. Only an experience will.

Last night as I strolled across an open field at dusk after spending the afternoon alternating between soaking in the hot tub and meditating in the sauna, I felt so alive. I was on my way to eat with my friend Jadah Sellner’s Mentorship Lab group at one of the best restaurants in San Francisco. The stars were coming out, the Golden Gate Bridge was glowing and my long, silk dress was delicately brushing against the blades of grass.


This is what I thought thin would feel like. And here it is, so accessible, so real.

The life you’re craving is here. All you have to do is experience it.

In a few weeks I’m hosting another Live More Challenge where I’ll be holding your hand through creating daily experiences.  It is always a fun and deeply transformational process for thousands of women, I hope you’ll join us this year! It’s free and you can sign up here.

And in the comments below I would love to know, what do you think “thin” will feel like?  How can you create that experience right now?



P.S. Being a woman with a body is complicated, and we need each other to move through some of these sticky spots.  If you know someone who may find this helpful, I hope you’ll send them this article.  Why stay on the surface when we can get deep and real with each other?

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