I almost gave up my life for my children
The leaves are hanging on by a thread here in Massachusetts, and I can tell that all of a sudden, the autumn will collapse into winter and we will plunge into the season of rest.
Recently I’ve been feeling this internal conflict of wanting to do more, produce more, and keep it all together, when another part of me just wants to throw my hands up in the air and say “F*&K IT!” I used to judge this “f*%k it” part of me, thinking I was lazy or bad at follow-through, weak or not as organized. But I now know that this desire to shed, to let things die, is part of the creation cycle.
The trees in autumn need to shed their leaves in order to provide nutrients to their root systems, save some energy for the winter, and have space to sprout new life.
When one flower dies, it produces thousands of little seeds that are spread by the wind and animals to create many new flowers in the spring.
Dying is necessary for new life. And if you live in the Northern Hemisphere, I am guessing on some level you are being asked to let something in your life die.
But since death as a concept or death as the end of human life is so avoided in our culture, when we are called to let something go, we hold tighter, we work harder, we throw everything against the wall to see what sticks. We fight and fight and fight.
But the web of life wants to support our evolution and growth, so she will often pull our attachments from our clenched fists, leaving us raw, conflicted, and confused.
What if there was one thing in your life you could let go of? I’m not asking you to change your whole life, but is there just one thing your inner wisdom is whispering (or screaming) for you to release? Is there something that’s hanging on by a thread?
My invitation for you is to find a tree or sit and imagine yourself by a tree. Use this tree as proof, as an ally, for you to know that letting something go does not mean the end of the world, just a point in a cycle that is necessary for new life. Even the evergreens who stay bright green all winter long lose a lot of their needles.
Can you sit by this tree and just ask in your mind or through journaling:
What am I being called to let go of?
What will this make space for?
What will be possible for me after I let this go?
And maybe you want to take it a step further and explore…
If I truly had a life that was in perfect alignment with my soul and deepest desires, one that prioritized joy, love, and laughter, one where I had everything I could ever need to feel like I had the energy and support to be of great service to the world… what would I need to let go of?
Because here’s the truth, you are meant for big things. You are meant to wake up in the morning and feel secure, calm, excited, and loved. You are meant feel like you have an impact. You are meant to experience the hidden magic of who you are. But you have to let go in order to call that in.
If these questions feel too big for you, if you get stumped or frustrated, I’d love to have you consider joining Whole Woman.
Yesterday I told you that I reopened the doors to Whole Woman after seeing how loving and inspiring the women are who joined last week. And since I live in alignment with the Moon, I noticed that the New Moon seemed to spark some energy in people who weren’t feeling ready to join us. But they are ready now! And maybe you are, too.
To offer you a completely low-risk option to check out Whole Woman, I’m offering you a $5 1-week trial where you can watch this Moon’s lesson, check out some of the other topics, connect with the women in the group, and see if it’s right for you.
If you want to take advantage of this offer click here:
This trial offer will end at midnight tonight, so I really encourage you to check out Whole Woman here if any part of you is curious. It would be so great to have you in the community where I can support you through answering these big questions. And we’re just having the best time.
Happy Fall. And blessings while you shed.
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.