It’s been an extraordinary year. Nine months ago I had my son and everything changed. My life was obviously turned upside down in a way that I couldn’t even imagine. I remember saying to Jonathan, “I can’t believe that most women have babies. This shit is REALLY hard.” And we have a really easy baby.

But even more surprising to me than my life doing a 180, was how much I changed. And it wasn’t a subtle shift over time, it was literally an overnight switch out of beliefs, priorities, worth, identity and even parts of my personality. Obviously it was all triggered by having a baby but the shift wasn’t from maiden to mother, it was from girl to woman.

I remember waking up, three weeks after having Marshall, once the haze had evaporated, and said to myself, “Whoa. Hello. Who the hell are you?” and the past nine months have been a beautiful process of getting to know me.


I also looked different. I gained a lot of weight during the end of my pregnancy and it certainly stuck around. There was a month or so during which I felt incredibly embarrassed. I felt so much pressure to get back to my old body and wanted to hide. But I was clear that this pattern of body hatred had to end, for me and for you.

I went deep into my belief system and excavated all of my rules and expectations about my body, my beauty, my worth and how that all fit into my work in the world. When I emerged from the inquiry I was clear that things had to shift.

Here’s what I believe: Our size does not define how amazing, intelligent, beautiful, sexy or lovable we are. It does not determine our worth, sensuality or drive. What matters is how we feel in our body.

Most of us believe that losing weight is the only way to feel better, but it’s not true. What truly makes us feel better in our bodies is how we are taking care of ourselves, physically and emotionally, purely for the reason of feeling good. We cannot spend our whole lives trying to look like our favorite celebrity, our best friend or our 24 year old self. It is a waste of time. If you take care of your body now, in the best way you know how, you will naturally create your perfect body image for your constitution and life phase.

I have spent the past nine months in this space and it has been incredible. I have felt more ease in body than I ever have, and I am no where near my 24 year old body. I have been losing weight slowly without even trying or caring, just naturally moving into balance.

I have also continued to watch women hang back in their lives. They believe that they will feel more ready later… once they lose twenty pounds, make a hundred grand, find their soul mate or get their partner on board. When I see this happen I get really angry. When did we learn that we need a permission slip to go out and create what we want? Who said we need to be thin, rich and in love in order to have the power and space to have our dream life? It seems crazy, and yet so many women are operating in this paradigm without even knowing it.


This website is meant to motivate women out of that place of waiting and give you inspiration and concrete steps to live more and create your dream life now. My program, Live More Weigh Less is to support those women who feel that their dislike for their bodies, and their emotional eating is running the show and are ready to change that story once and for all. If you are interested in learning more about that program and making sure you’re the first to know when it’s available this spring, you can get on the list here: You are also going to see more free e-books coming out in the next few weeks on pregnancy, being a new mom, business and romantic relationships.

So welcome to our new online home! Take some time to get to know the place, and especially read through the new about page so you have an even deeper sense of what we’re doing here. All the beautiful pictures you are seeing are by the amazing Danielle Fletcher. You’ll also notice a lot more photos in future articles by an array of amazing photographers. Pictures speak louder than words and I want you to get a visceral sense of what it means to live more.

Thank you for being here. Thank you for showing up for yourself. Thank you for supporting me and my dream. I can’t wait to spend more time together here.

All my love,

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