I considered giving up…
I used to hear my friends talking about mercury retrograde and thought they were a bunch of hippie dippies. Even though I liked astrology, I thought I was above mercury retrograde, never believing it actually affected me.
Then one day I’d called my friend in tears saying that nothing was working right, the business was falling apart, Jonathan and I keep fighting, and I just feel like a total space cadet. Sure enough she’d respond, Mercury retrograde my dear. Bah! caught again.
So this time, I’m preparing, and you can too. Here are 3 things you can do to embrace mercury retrograde and weather the storm.
1. Understand what it is and how it affects you.
Mercury retrograde happens when it looks like mercury is going backwards in in the sky, since Mercury rules communication, scheduling travel and clear thinking, all of those things go awry during this period. The period we are in right now runs from August 30th – September 21st. Honestly, just knowing that this is going on and being on the lookout for hiccups and double checking things will help.
2. Create a self-care ritual
Although Mercury retrograde supports a lot of technology breakdowns and missed flights, it actually supports a movement towards intuition, your inner world and introspection. The more grounded and in tune with yourself you are, the less you will be affected by Mercury Retrograde. The fact that this is happen during fall, a period that also encourages us to slow down, is a beautiful invitation to come back to you.
I want to help you make self-care and introspection easier for you, because it’s hard! I know you’re an ambitious and caring women and it’s easier to get caught up in doing a good job and taking care of everyone else at your expense. But just to be honest, it’s not going to turn out well. So, next week I’m leading the Live More Challenge where you will get one small thing every day to help you feel more joyful, grounded and alive. I’d really love for you to join us. It’s going to help you make time for yourself. You can sign up for free here: http://livemorechallenge.com.
3. See the big picture of your health
When Mercury is in retrograde during Virgo, it’s easy to get tunnel vision, only focusing on the most obvious solution. If you are struggling with your weight, you may find yourself grasping onto a quick fix diet or cleanse, just to get out of body jail fast! I get it, I’ve been there, but that’s not you talking, that’s mercury retrograde. When you tune into that deeper, wiser part of you, you’ll see that you’re actually craving a more balanced approaching. One that’s based on ease and pleasure, not restriction and hatred. You’re desiring a more creative, revolutionary approach to creating your ideal body. So don’t get caught up in the shadow! The Live More Challenge is that creative, joyful, balanced approach you really need. Sign up for FREE now by clicking here: http://livemorechallenge.com
And if you do every challenge you’ll be entered to win one of 3 scholarships to my signature program, Live More Weigh Less Mastery and a $500 Anthropologie shopping spree. Click here to enter: http://livemorechallenge.com
So I hope you actually got this email, that I’m sure is full of broken links and typos, and that you’re going to join me in the challenge. Each day is a little ritual that I do to come home to myself and create a beautiful life and a great relationship with food and my body. You’re going to love it.
See you there!
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.