In The Wake Of Distance Learning, We Must Take Back The Village
In January I started feeling under the weather. I was exhausted, sick to my stomach and really forgetful. I was complaining to Jonathan at lunch one Saturday and he started laughing hysterically. “You’re so pregnant!” he said. “Impossible” I thought.
Because I was still breastfeeding, I had never gotten my period, so there was no other indicator that I could be pregnant. I remember thinking, I hope to God I’m not pregnant. I have way too much going on right now.
The next day I took a pregnancy test and sure enough, I was pregnant. My immediate reaction was joy, but it was quickly replaced by overwhelm. I was in the midst of creating the biggest Live More Weigh Less Launch ever, I was exhausted by taking care of a 10 month old and Jonathan was working 90 hour weeks at the hospital. Could I really add carrying a baby to the heavy load I was already holding?
After letting myself fall apart, I tuned into my inner wisdom and this what I heard…
Oh dear Sarah. This is perfect. This baby has been excited to come through since the day Marshall was born. You’re lucky he or she waited this long. You were starting to spin out of control, paying attention to things that don’t matter. This is what matters. Come back to your body. Come back to your family. Come back to life. This is the perfect time. Make space.
So I made space. I prioritized, delegated and made time to move my body, get back to my spiritual practice and sleep… a lot. My mother and mother-in-law came to stay with us to help with Marshall at night when my nausea was the worst. Everything was figureoutable. And I was so much happier being nauseous and exhausted than I was before I got pregnant. It was the kick in the pants I needed (sometimes the universe can be very extreme with me).
I spent about a day in this space of, “well I might as well just stop working out and start eating ice cream because continuing to gain weight is just inevitable.” HELLO old thinking! Whoa, I couldn’t believe that old way of living was still in there. So toxic.
I came back to my Live More Lifestyle and created a plan for enjoying my body during my pregnancy. Just because I wasn’t going to lose weight, doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t feel energized, sexy and in love with my body. I now go to pre-natal yoga twice a week, dance once a week and go for a ton of long walks. I’ve been really dedicated to my practice of intuitive eating and have been saying loving things to my body. I had my stylist Melanie Kluger come over for a session to help me dress for this transition, and I went on a four-day spiritual retreat.
Now at 15 weeks I’m out of the first trimester weeds and feeling so incredibly blessed and elated to welcome a new member to our family in early September (or maybe mid September if things go the way they did last time). Marshall and his little brother or sister will be exactly a year and half apart. No, that’s not Irish twins, in case you were wondering.
Today Jonathan and I are celebrating one year of being parents. It’s been a hard year, as all first years of parenting are, and we still feel like we have no idea what we’re doing, but Marshall woke up this morning on his birthday happy, healthy and with an extra twinkle in his eye. All I have to do is look at him and know I must be doing something right. I can’t wait to do it again and know that any baby, at anytime is a blessing (my Dad told me that).
Even though we’ve probably never met in person, please know how much I care about you and how lucky I feel to share this with you. This community really means so much to me.
Things are going to be heating up around here the next few weeks. We have some incredible things up our sleeve to celebrate a new round of Live More Weigh Less. It’s some of the most beautiful and heartfelt work I’ve ever produced. I hope it really inspires you to think differently about your body. Make sure to read every email I send out this month. I promise it will be worth it.
Talk to you soon.
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.