A sacred brag on how great my marriage is right now
Happy Valentine’s Day!! I’m about to dive into making a gluten/dairy free cake tonight for our family. (I’ve been gluten + dairy free for 4 months now! Feeling great.) It’ll probably taste like crap… but hopefully they’ll taste the love.
Last night Jonathan and I got on Facebook Live and talked about how we share the responsibilities of kids, money, the house, and taking care of each other. This wasn’t a “3 Secrets of Marital Bliss!” type talk but an honest conversation about how we’re doing things, one flawed couple to another.
You can view the recording here: https://www.facebook.com/jenks.sarah/
The reason why I’m so passionate about women getting more support from their partners is because I see so many women drowning in the responsibilities of life that they have no time for themselves, and I deeply want you to feel like your life is YOURS.
Just enrolling your partner is only one piece of the puzzle, but it’s a start. I’ve found in my own life since becoming a mother that having a life that feels like it’s a full expression of my desires and soul is partly strategic and mostly emotional/spiritual.
This is why I’m putting on a free online workshop called
Lost in the Shuffle of Your Life?
How to Pull Forward Your Most Alive, Confident, Soulful Self
Click here to reserve your spot for free!
In this 90-Minute workshop you’re going to learn the 5 Biggest Mistakes I made after becoming a Mother that kept me stuck in the cycle of overdoing, under self-caring, depression, and neglecting who I was and what I really wanted. It wasn’t until I identified these patterns (man, I was so blind) – and did very specific things to correct them – that I finally made time for what was most important to me (like my spiritual practice, my health, excitement, my big work in the world, deep connection with my kids and husband, and time with friends) instead of getting caught in the shuffle of life.
I’m so excited for all of us to gather around this important topic together!
Don’t forget to reserve your spot by clicking here.
Events at the Moon Lodge!
Yoga Every Wednesday from 9:30am-10:30am.
Get details here.
6-Week Yoga Series hosted by Melissa Holm: February 15, March 1, 8, 15 & 22 from 9:30am-10:30am
It’s not too late to join! For more information, email: [email protected]
Sensual Yoga Every Friday from 10:00am-11:00am
Get details here.
Ignite Your Intuition Workshop hosted by Chantelle Williamson on Saturday, March 24th, 1:00pm-3:30pm
Sign up here: https://squareup.com/store/intention-retreats
Detox Workshop with Functional Nutritionist + Yoga Teacher, Erin Holt on Saturday, April 24th,
Sign up here: http://www.erinholthealth.com/events/
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.