a free 90-min online Masterclass

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My love,

It’s time for you to step in

To take up all the space you need

To own your Soul’s Work, your magic, your brilliance, your true place.

To leave the shadows and step into Daylight

We need you.

It’s time to fully

in the life you’re meant to live.


Daydream with me for a moment… Imagine knowing exactly what you’re here to do. Having deep clarity that comes from within and knowing you were born for this.

Imagine feeling like you can trust yourself with money, and have no guilt earning what you need to THRIVE. Imagine having the money to give your kids an incredible life, experience everything you want to in this lifetime, contribute to or start foundations and pay people incredibly well. Imagine never being worried about having enough money and all the stress and pressure that comes with that.

Imagine waking up every morning with a sense of purpose, feeling creative, useful and on fire. Imagine seeing the people you’re meant to impact changing, experiencing joy, and going forward and changing the world themselves because you have woken something up in them.

Imagine having freedom to travel, to be in sacred containers and initiations, and to explore incredible lands and places you never dreamed you could experience.

Imagine your dreams being celebrated and supported by your partner.  Imagine that all they want for you is to take risk after risk so they can prove over and over again that they are here to catch you.

Imagine having a body that keeps up with your ambition. That feels energized, sacred and full of life.

Imagine that you light up every room you walk into, never to outshine others but to show the world what it looks like to be a happy, fully expressed woman.

Imagine feeling like the best Mom for your kids, knowing that your fullest expression and making space for your Soul’s Work is exactly what they need to become the fullest expression of themselves. Imagine joy, creativity, and laughter pulsing through your house.

Imagine never feeling guilty for taking up space.

Imagine fully arriving in the life you’re meant to live.

My story

The path of traditional success was clear and laid out for me. I graduated with honors, went to the number one liberal arts college and got a great marketing job in Manhattan out of college.

But I decided to leave the path laid out to follow my heart.

I spent over a decade building a successful health & coaching space. I was widely published and spoke on many big stages. And I created a life that was fine.

My life was fine.

It was good. Many people would say it was GREAT. But it’s not really about what other people think is it? It’s about how it feels. To you. The person living your life.

So I started wondering… 

What would more look like?

What would it look like to take up waaaaay more space in my life?

To center my Soul and my Soul’s Work, my joy, my adventure, my creativity?

What would it look like to leave behind “fine”


What would it look like to just do the damn thing? To go all the way in? To actually DO all the things I dreamt of doing “someday”.


I want to share my process of arriving in your life.

I took up the space.

I arrived in my life.

MY life. Which is no longer fine.

It’s pure magic.















I will teach the formula for 75 minutes and then share about a brand-new program for the last 15 minutes.

If you are already in my community (hi!) and you’ve been wanting to invite your friends into this work and our community, this would be a really great class to bring them to.

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Sarah Jenks


Sarah has been a Priestess Apprentice in the 13 Moon Mystery School for over 10 years and was Ordained a Priestess in Summer ‘22. Sarah’s personal sacred practice weaves together the mysteries of Ancient Avalon, Earth-based practices of her Celtic and Germanic ancestry, the Feminine Path of Mary Magdalene, and the Ancient Egyptian practices of Anointing. Sarah thought she was destined to have an “in the box” life after going to a top college, working in advertising, and then creating a successful weight loss company.

One day she walked into her therapist’s office where the remnants of a sacred circle from the night before were strewn on the living room floor. She had a full body “Remembering” of being in ceremony. Since that days she’s been devoted to her own sacred practice and Temple skills and has devoted her life to creating spaces for women to have their own remembering and normalizing the presence of the Sacred Feminine in our culture.

Community Inclusion Statement

We are a global community of people dedicated to being in a relationship with the Sacred Feminine. Our community is woven with women, non-binary, and gender-queer people who are devoted to the fullest expression of our souls. We vow to uplift each other’s fullest expression. We commune with the many archetypes of the Goddess. We sit in ceremony together. We learn and grow together.  Whether you are a devout Catholic, a Muslim or seasoned Witch, a maiden, mother, or crone… a lawyer or an artist or a teacher… connected to religion or trying to find a new connection. . . you are welcome.


Community Agreements on Race

To our white community members:

  • We will not center our panic or confusion around issues of race. This is not a place to ask questions about racism or process internalized racism.
  • White guilt, panic, and shock can drown out what’s actually going on, so we will not center that here. This is a place to share how we are in action and resources, but not how we are feeling about it.
  • When the BBIWOC in this community expresses how they are feeling about issues of race, we are here only to witness and love them, not offer an opinion or flood them with our feelings.

To our BBIWOC members:

  • You are welcome to show up and share here however you please around issues of race and racism. You will be witnessed and held in love.
  • If Sarah, our facilitators, or another member offends you or is harmful to you, we will do everything we can to protect you as quickly as possible, but you can also email us if that happens. 
  • We would love to hear from you if you are BBIWOC and you would like to amend or add to this agreement.