

Blog · Your Self

Volume XIII

Dear Goddess, 

How do I hold it all – Mother and Priestess? How do I sit in the mundane and feel the magic? I long for the Temple. I long for a quiet life. It just all feels like too much sometimes.

My dearest Sarah,

So often you look to the past for answers, but have you ever considered that what is happening now is the past that someday people will look to for answers? Yes, the Sacred Feminine was alive for so long, but it was not well. We were under constant fear of erasure. Violence was rampant. We were never safe. 

And we had to choose. Choose between a life devoted to the Goddess, leaving our families and living in the Temple and a life devoted to well, life.

And neither woman won.

Do not romanticize the Temple. It was hard and stark, but we needed to train. We needed to learn everything about the Divine, how to hold it, how to bring it into form. 

And we did.

And then we had to learn how to hold families. Women soaked in remembrance were born into lives, into families where we were needed, even when we didn’t know it. The magic was kept alive invisibly while we were tending to the children, tending to our rights, tending to our position. You know that sometimes you have to go backward to go forward.

We now have enough seats at the table, and it’s time.

It’s time to weave. This is why you met the weaver.

Vertical and horizontal. And there are many more of you.

I have sent every trained woman, every woman who has magic in her bones from the past and the future, from this planet and others.

Do not look back.

Look forward. You have more freedom than you’ve ever EVER had. And more access to me than you’ve ever had. 

Use it. 

Wield it.

Use your sword
Your pen
Your microphone
Your scalpel
Your paint brush
Your keyboard
Your instrument
Your body

And I will fill it. I will fill it with love and mystery and healing.

You will be overwhelmed by the power that flows through you if you are humble enough to open up, step aside, and let me use you. 

Do not look back.

We are weaving a world more beautiful, more alive, more fair, more safe than we’ve ever seen. It will take many lifetimes, but you, YOU are the transition team. 

You are walking through your life with threads of the divine attached to your hips, lips, and fingers, weaving me into your meetings, your conversations at the dinner table, your fights with your partner, your laundry, your Mac and cheese for your child…

Everything is sacred if you walk as me. 

I do not belong in a Temple my love, behind thick stone walls. You no longer need to choose, to be defined by Priestess or Mother or this or that. You are everything. I am everything. Undefined.

I want to be the tissue that wipes sad eyes and the hand that touches your lover. I want to be there with you while you clean up your child’s toys, and sit with you while your parent is dying.

Do not look back. 

I am here now.


The Goddess (via Sarah)


Read all messages in this series:









Unraveled, part one

Unraveled, part two



Unraveled, part three







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