The real reason I’m a Swifty
Volume XII
We were wild, free, and sacred
Then we were
Soaked in hatred
Belittled to a myth
Brainwashed to fear the magic that we were born with
And when we remember
They whisper
It’s all true
But I rather be me, than be you.
Some UNHINGED nuts & bolts:
You have already blown up your life so many times. Maybe you chose to have a baby, or get married, or move, or take a job.
You know how to be with change.
It’s just that some change is deemed appropriate for women, and some change is not.
When you change FOR others (like raising a baby, marrying someone, moving for a job) we somehow don’t have to take responsibility for the change. We stay in the passenger seat of life – just along for the ride.
Our culture likes to have women in the passenger seat.
You should have seen me driving my kids through New York City this weekend in my massive suburban. As soon as we exited off of FDR Drive into the crowded streets of New York, I remembered.
Marshall yelled from the back “Whoa Mom! You’re like a different person! Nice driving.”
Yelling forcefully (yet joyfully) to the other drivers out the window, halting pedestrians with my hands (whoa whoa whoa!) who tried to squeeze onto the crosswalk when I had a green light… at least one middle finger.
I used to shy away, get out of the way, go with the flow… but I got tired of being on everyone else’s ride.
Women are not meant to be passengers. Women have the capacity to be loud, to be clear, to make decisions, to lead.
But we have been brainwashed to believe that we cannot handle falling short of expectations, of changing, of being judged, of disappointing people. The truth is that you have the capacity to stand in the fire of disappointing people (and there’s a really good reason that you feel like you’re going to die if you do, I’m going to be talking about what that is and what to do on Thursday at UNHINGED).
If you continue to shy away from leading yourself you will always be a passenger in your life.
Did you know that the number one regret of the dying according to Bronnie Ware, author of “Top Five Regrets of the Dying” is:
“I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
I don’t want this to be you.
We deliberately leaned into all of the hard parts of being on a spiritual path for this campaign.
So often when we are on the road to self-improvement, people just talk about how great and amazing and easy and blissful your life is going to be.
When it comes to healing from your internalized patriarchy and stepping out on a sacred feminine spiritual path that has been soaked in hatred for a few thousand years, it’s just not going to be easy!
And I’m not here to sugarcoat it for you, because I know deep down you already know so we might as well bring the wounds to the surface and work with them directly.
At UNHINGED I am going to walk you through
Don’t freeze. Don’t pause. Lean in here. We’ve got you.
If you do nothing, you will not change, my friend. No one is coming.
And remember, a woman armed with ancient wisdom is unfuckwithable.
I hope to see you on Thursday.
UNHINGED is on Thursday, May 23 from 12-1:30 pm eastern & I am also going live on my Instagram account TODAY (Monday 5/20) to talk it through and answer questions.
The workshop will be recorded and we will send you the replay if you can’t make it live – but trust me when I say, if you can come live, you should. You’ll get more from the transmission.
If you missed our messages in this series you can read them here:
Simple actions to take your life back, know your worth & feel alive no matter how drained, overwhelmed and far gone you feel.